Logo Iroko Next

The SCI with 2 performance drivers


+ 18 M€

Valeur liquidative

114.25 €

Performance 2023

5.48 %

Performance depuis la création(1)

14.25 %

Performance annuelle cible

6 %

Niveau de risque
Article 8
Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The recommended investment horizon is 8 years.

Données au 26/09/2024 (source : Iroko)

Discover Iroko Next's strategy on video

Discover the SCI Iroko Next through this video in 4 minutes. Hugo Girardon, Director of Partnerships, and Guillaume Debats, Fund Manager, and Guillaume Debats, Fund Manager share their vision on the investment strategy, key participations, and recent performances of Iroko Next.
Video shot on 30/11/2024. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.

The 6 key points to remember

Opportunistic and diverse
investing in assets that meet current and future trends
Two performance drivers
to invest in the two natural states of real estate: yield funds and value-creating real estate
certified Finansol and a member of the FAIR association, Iroko Next devotes 5% of its capitalization to solidarity businesses (ESUS)
A target annual performance 
by 6% for 2024
performance not guaranteed
In open architecture
in a position to invest in the entire real estate market
0% entry and exit fees

other commissions are charged,
Learn more about fees
Learn more about fees

The main risks

Liquidity risk

SCIs are long-term investments (over 8 years), being invested in real estate assets, they are considered to be illiquid. SCI do not guarantee the resale of shares.

Risk of capital loss

The Company does not offer any guarantee of capital protection. The net asset value may be lower than the subscription price. The investor is warned that his capital is not guaranteed and may not be returned to him.

Real estate market risks

The investments made are subject to the risks inherent in the ownership and management of real estate assets. There are many factors that can have a negative impact on the value of real estate assets owned.

Iroko Next is available directly from the main life insurers

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Comme 800 CGP, faites confiance à Iroko

Notre priorité : être quotidiennement aux cotés de nos partenaire pour apporter du service et de l'actualité, tout en réduisant les tâches à faible valeur ajoutée.

Iroko Next decided to combine two performance drivers

Iroko Next is an SCI that aims to invest in investments that support generational, digital and demographic transitions. It combines two drivers of real estate performance: yield and value creation, thus optimizing the return-risk combination.
Moteur 1 : immobilier de rendement
Iroko Next investit dans des fonds immobiliers de rendement, offrant ainsi plus de stabilité et de perspectives à long terme à la SCI. Ces investissements intègrent des critères extrafinanciers solides et mesurables.
Moteur 2 : Immobilier à création de valeur
Cette poche dynamise le portefeuille de la SCI grâce à des fonds "Value Add", dédiés à créer ou rénover des bâtiments pour mieux répondre aux besoins actuels (transition numérique, écologique et générationnelle) tout en intégrant des critères extrafinanciers solides et mesurables.
Poche Fonds à Impact
La Société inclura au minimum 5 % d’investissements dans des ESUS (entreprises solidaires d’utilité sociale) ou des fonds à impact social.

Poche de liquidité
Afin de conserver de la liquidité  la SCI dispose  d’une poche dédiée de minimum 5 % du total actif.
Driver 1: yield real estate
Driver 2 : value-creation real estate
Liquidity pocket
Impact Fund Pocket (Iroko Impact)
Performance since inception(1)
Performance over the current year(2)
Performance over the past 1 year
14,25 %
4,53 %
7,71 %
(2)From 01/01/2024 to 06/27/2024
The performances shown are net of fees. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.

An SCI with no entry fees

At the entrance
Investment commission
Management commission
At the exit
0 %
Subscription commission
Participation géré par la société de gestion
bouton d'informations
1 % max
Participations managed by a third party management company
bouton d'informations
2 % max
Directly held properties
bouton d'informations
1,8 % max
bouton d'informations
1,8 % max
Directly held properties
bouton d'informations
1,8 % max
Cash pockets
bouton d'informations
0 %
Repurchase commission

Iroko Next's participations

Iroko Zen

By Iroko
A diversified SCPI that is distinguished by its European, opportunistic and granular approach.

Mistral Séléction

By Swiss Life Asset Management
An “agile” SCPI that seizes the best opportunities in the real estate market in Eurozone countries.

Iroko Impact

by Iroko
An SCI at the service of the social and solidarity economy.

Urban Pro

By Braxton Invest Management
A value-add fund dedicated to the design, development and management of business parks dedicated to productive SMEs and VSEs.

Braxton Logistique 3

By Braxton Invest Management
A value-add fund dedicated to the aggregation of logistics assets and business premises in France.

Tour des dames

By Braxton Asset Management

To heavily restructure a private mansion in the 9th arrondissement of Paris with excellent fundamentals.

Next City Retail 2

By Braxton Asset Management
A value-add fund dedicated to the purchase of a commercial portfolio, its development and its resale for cutting.

IDF Tourisme et Territoires

By Ile-de-France region
A real estate company operated by the Ile-de-France region alongside the CDC for the development of tourism.

Braxton Alfred Hotels

By Braxton Invest Management
A value-add fund dedicated to the purchase, renovation and efficient management of hotels as part of the development of the Alfred Group.
Iroko Next : registered under the number 913024311. OTHER AIFs within the meaning of Article L. 214-24 III of the Monetary and Financial Code constituted in the form of a civil real estate company with variable capital having a marketing authorization since August 1, 2022.

Iroko : Simplified Joint Stock Company with a share capital of 665,232.8€ 883 362,113 R.C.S. Bobigny - Portfolio Management Company, 
approved by the Autorité des Marches Financiers under the number GP-20000014 dated June 08, 2020.

This is an advertising communication. Investing involves risks including loss of capital and liquidity. Please refer to the Iroko Next briefing note and key information document before making any investment decisions.

Discover the other Iroko funds

iroko zen logo
The SCPI without dogma, and opportunistic that reinvents real estate savings
Objectif de TRI sur 8 ans
7 %
Performance 2024

7.32 %


630 M€

Frais de souscription
0 %
En savoir plus
iroko impact logo
The SCI at the service of the social and solidarity economy
Locataires engagés

1.2 M€

Nombre de personnes aidées
Frais d'entrée
0 %
En savoir plus
Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.

Données au 26/09/2024 (source : Iroko)

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Our Partnerships team is committed to supporting its professional heritage partners throughout France as closely as possible.

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4 rue de la Pompe, 

75016 Paris,
01 76 44 17 49
Investing involves risks, including loss of capital and liquidity.